• Digital scrapbooking offers exactly the same possibilities as the manual one:
    in addition, you have texts, layouts
    , papers, ribbons, brads, tags, etc ...
    It is up to you to decide to what degree the computer will facilitate you the task!

  • It is much simpler to test using one's own pictures for layout of a scrapbook.
    The picture would be shown off better if you enlarge it a little bit? What about reframing it?
    And finally, on the contrary, making it smaller, or keeping its entirety?
    The digital scrapbooking avoids having to go to the photographer's shop to print 15 copies of the same picture.

  • Imagine that right in the middle of creating "Tunisia 2006" scrapbooking, you lack some sheets for finishing 2 last pages!
    Digitize your papers using a scanner or download digital papers on the internet :
    the file will always be 
    present on your hard disk.
    Go even further and constitute yourself a true collection of papers, imperishable in

  • Creation of a manual scrapbook is always ended in the same way: a working plan covered by tons of falls of papers and materials.
    When you work on your computer, you have to use only a keyboard and a mouse:
    No more disorder

  • The "backtracking" function of different softwares revolutions the production methods
    You have made an error? No problem, you can cancel your actions
    with a simple mouse click.
    After some reflexion, was it good? No problem, go back to your last
    so easily as well.

  • You have just finished a scrapbook for Kate's birthday.
    Being proud of the result, you would like to share
    it with all your friends and the whole family.
    All you have to do is to send it by
    mail, to put it on an online gallery, even make it print at a photographer's shop.